Thursday, 11 April 2013

Opinion: Curation Software to use or not to use?

Taken from:

What is curation software?
The number of resources on the internet is increasing in most areas and search engines can are helpful but it is not the same as someone telling you this is a good resource. Digital curation takes this further allowing people to produce lists of internet resources that can be dynamically updated but filtered resources - if you like a dynamic reading list of web resources.

Two free example tools are shown below and

1. Scoopit(


Two examples sites used in my teaching are shown here:
artificial intelligence for students

Robot resource

The good feature of scoop.its is you have control over what content you present, you are the filter. Content suggestions are also made, but it is up to you if you select them. The aim is to increase the amount of student suggested content. 

2. (

Allows you to set up a newspaper-like resource that takes feeds from blogs, rss feeds and if you want Twitter. Unlike you have control over the feeds you choose but less control over the content displayed; so careful selection of the feeds is needed

An example of what other universities are doing in this area can be found at Curtin University.

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